Public Libraries Services are being provided to the public in a step-by-step manner in line with public health guidance. Currently, we can provide Call & Collect in all branches and Book a Browse in Carlow, Tullow and Muinebheag Libraries.
Carlow 059 912 9705 Tullow 059 913 6299 Muinebheag 059 912 9703 Borris 059 917 0350
In all situations, the health and safety of library users and staff will be paramount. Social distancing will be observed where library users interact with services, and all health and safety protocols will be observed.
What can I do?
- Call & Collect
- Return items to Carlow, Tullow and Muinebheag Libraries
- Book a Browse
Don’t forget, you can access library services online 24/7 at and these online services will continue to be available as we move through the re-opening phases. You can:
- join the library online at - download eBooks and eAudiobooks - read eMagazines and eNewspapers - take eLearning or eLanguage courses - watch or listen to Storytime on our Social Media channels - listen to The Talking Newspaper on iTunes, Spotify and Google Podcasts.
We will keep you updated as the situation progresses via social media. Please contact us by email to if you have any queries or concerns.
Welcome back to your library.
Follow Carlow Library on facebook /carlowcountylibrary &
Twitter @carlowlibraries for event listings
